Consistency Matters Right?

Good Morning and Happy Friday Yall!

It’s amazing how off-track we can get when we think we’re on track right? Man I have a lot iron’s in the fire currently and its been crazy trying to keep up with tasks. I told myself I was going to try and post a blog every week but obviously that has NOT happened! Anywho here we are…. *insert big grin here*

How y’all doing? Good? I hope so, chile I have been having some close calls with consistency in my personal life. I am great for starting things but I get lost in the sauce of life when it comes to staying consistent with said things. Things can range from projects, link-ups, Facetime calls etc. I want to be better in consistency but I promise I am not there yet.

One place I want to start being consistent in is going to the gym. As a Dance Teacher, I’m active everyday but I never find the motivation to get to a gym and sticking with it long-term. I am a lean guy but I’ve always wanted to big a little bigger, more tone and more body mass. But again I am NO gym rat haha! No shade to anyone who is, I admire you no doubt for sticking to your goals, I just hope to join you one day! Maybe I can get on it this year, maybe not lol Only God knows 🙂

Well that’s all I got to say today, Y’all take care, know that you’re a masterpiece and walk in Love!

Love & Victory,

Aaron Derell

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